Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Season Two Episode Two of "Modern Family"!

The second episode chronicled an altercation between Gloria and her husband, Jay, about Gloria's culture.  Jay incessantly teased Gloria's Colombian culture.  Gloria misleads Jay into thinking all of these absurd rituals are part of her culture.  For instance, Gloria forces Jay to slap the chickens while screeching before cooking them to rid them of evil spirits.  Regardless, Gloria is planning to cook dinner for the entire family in honor of her deceased grandmother.
Alex has a problem with a boy.  Her older sister Haley was asked by their mother, Claire, to investigate this potential boy in Alex's life. Claire is overprotective of her own kids and their relationships because it turns out that she was quite the wild child herself.  Nevertheless, Alex decides to confess her feelings to this boy in fear of being thought a lesbian.  You see, Haley takes after Claire, and told this to Alex.  It is an epic fail as her crush's entire soccer team is at his house as she confesses her feelings.
The couple of Mitchell and Cameron have their own PDA problem because Mitchell is afraid to kiss Cameron in front of other people.  When they arrive at Jay and Gloria's house for dinner, Cam tries to kiss Mitchell who suddenly twists out the way, causing Cameron to fall over the couch and be covered in spilled potato chips.    

The entire family congregates at Jay's, who is wearing a pair of shoes around his neck (another aspect of Colombian culture).  The family are arguing with each other in a classic chaotic family moment.  Jay talks about Claire's promiscuity as a child, revealing an embarrassing anecdote just as her kids walk into the room and Gloria accuses everyone of not showing enough affection toward one another.  Jay is the main target of Gloria's heavily Colombian-accented monologue as he tries to play the "tough"father figure role.  However, he has a soft spot, and all the family embraces one another; Mitchell and Cameron even kiss.  After the dinner Claire drives her family home from dinner and asks Alex to wait in the car.  As the two talk about embarrassing moments Claire experienced, Alex's crush arrives in the driveway alone.  The two talk, and Alex doesn't kiss him quite yet.  Much to both of their relief, she would like to wait.

Favorite line of the episode: This isn't a direct quote, but the anecdote of Claire being escorted home by the police in minimal clothing was my favorite line of the episode.  This is particularly funny because her kids walk in just in time to hear it!

Keep watching and more following next weeks episode on Wednesday October 6th at 9/8c!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Episode a Hit! "Modern Family" picks up where it left off: making us laugh.

The premier episode of "Modern Family" continued the classic humor from the first season.  As in each episode, each section of the family has their own problem.  Manny's mother struggles with jealousy as a Colombian mother who is overly protective of her son when he finds his first girlfriend.  He ends up dumping his girlfriend only to take interest in another girl, which infuriates his mother even more so.  Luke, Claire, and their kids try to sell their old car.  However, Claire struggles to say goodbye to the car as it full of memories and selling it symbolizes a transition between stages of their lives.  So, the family takes the car on a last spin to say goodbye to it, but it ends up rolling down a cliff in a hilarious scene that has Phil jumping on the car in an attempt to stop it and his son, Luke, vomiting.  Although the family loses their car, they gain invaluable and hilarious memories that will remain with them forever.   Mitchell, his father Jay, and partner Cameron Tucker attempt to construct a princess playhouse for their daughter, Lily.  Unfortunately, Mitchell has had several disastrous home improvement projects in the past.  As a result, Jay and Cameron awkwardly stay away from him and eventually tell him that he's simply a horrendous handyman.  Mitchell takes offense to this and proves them wrong by successfully completing the playhouse alone, and replies with my favorite line of the episode. 

Favorite line of episode: "Who's the bitch now? Bitchez."- Mitchell Pritchett. 

Also, you might want to check out the show "The Middle" that airs an hour before "Modern Family".  I also saw a commercial for the show "Sister Wives", which is about polygamy.  Hey, it could be good...

Until next Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Picture of the Family!

ABC's "Modern Family" begins next Wednesday!

Welcome! This blog follows and discusses each episode of ABC's television hit "Modern Family".  The show chronicles the hilarious occurences that come with a large family.  The family spans from multiple generations with different identities and personalities.  Enjoy!

The popular, family-comedy, "Modern Family", will air at 9/8c on ABC next Wednesday September 22, 2010.  

***For More Information***